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The Kinlaw Family

This is John and Jennifer Kinlaw, and our four wonderful children, Isaac 14, Elaina 13, Sam 9, and Katie 7. We are from Raleigh, NC, commended by North Ridge Bible Chapel in 2017 through CMML to serve the Lord in Kigoma Region, Tanzania.
Our main area of ministry is evangelism and discipleship in the small Muslim town of Ujiji. We opened a small reading room/library there with over 100 Christian books in Swahili, offer the Emmaus courses, show "The King of Glory", and give away Gideon Bibles in Swahili. John teaches the Bible in 2 different schools in Ujiji and also teaches and preaches as opportunity is given in the local assembly.
We covet your prayers as we continue to sow the Good Seed of the Gospel!
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