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Welcome to UJIJI!

Ujiji is a small town a few miles south of Kigoma on the shore of Lake Tanganyika. There are approximately 100,000 people living in Ujiji, and about 95% of them are Muslim. There are mosques located all over town and calls for prayer can be heard throughout the day.


Ujiji is where the missionary and pioneer David Livingstone once lived, and also where Henry Stanley found David Livingstone and uttered those famous words, "Livingstone I presume?". There is a museum located  where Stanley found Livingstone in Ujiji, and a monument has been placed under the mango tree where their first meeting took place.


After arriving in Kigoma in June of 2018, we began to get settled and figure out life in this new part of the world. After much prayer, the Lord led us to open a reading room/library here in Ujiji as sort of an outpost for the Gospel. We found a good location near the center of town which was also very close to the Livingstone museum. We rented a small store front and after a little paint and cleaning, we opened "Maktaba ya Nuru ya Ulimwengu" which means, "The Light of the World Library" on December 3, 2018.  .

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We have over 100 books including Bibles, commentaries, topical, Bible dictionaries, and many other books to help muslims understand the Bible, all in Swahili. Some of the authors are William Macdonald, Don Flemming, David Gooding, John Lennox,  John Piper, John Stott, and many others. We also show "The King of Glory" video and "The Jesus Film" most afternoons.

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We have been open in Ujiji since December 2018, and thank the Lord for how He is using this outpost for the Gospel. We give out Gideon New Testaments in Swahili, and also Injili's (which are New Testaments in a parallel version of Swahili and Arabic for our Muslim friends).

We often have people come in who want to talk about spiritual matters, and have questions about God and the Bible. We enjoy giving them clear answers from the Word of God, and pointing them to the only Answer - the Lord Jesus.

We also offer over 35 courses through the Emmaus Correspondence School in Swahili. This has been a great way to equip and disciple many believers in the region, and has been a great fit for the Maktaba. Several students have already completed all of the courses and received their final certificate of competion called a "Stashahada" (meaning diploma in Swahili).

We have also been able to get the Emmaus courses into 2 prisons in our area! A few pastors from Kigoma bring the courses for the prisoners, and also bring the completed courses to the Maktaba for grading. It is exciting to see many Tanzanians getting good teaching from the Word of God! 

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Thank you for your interest and please pray with us over the Gospel work in Ujiji.

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About Us

The Kinlaw family is serving the Lord in Kigoma, Tanzania, commended by North Ridge Bible Chapel in 2017, & serving through Christian Missions in Many Lands.


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