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Writer's picture: John KinlawJohn Kinlaw

Updated: Mar 1

We are happy to announce that the construction of Camp Nuru is officially underway! It is amazing to see things coming together so quickly after so many delays for so long. We have seen the Lord’s timing and His blessing as a team from the US came to help get the work started.

Doug Lindley and a group of hard working young men and women from Camp Horton Haven, together with Justin Wallace from Mountain Top Youth Camp, and Naomi Head from Minnesota formed a special team which the Lord used to get things going out at Camp Nuru in Ujiji. The building plans were in the works several months prior to this trip. Many thanks to Doug Lindley and David Bryson who gave of their skill and time to draw the plans for us.

The Camp property looks much different than it did when we first purchased it. The land office cut a road through the property, but it will be years, maybe even a decade or more before the road work will begin, therefore we will close in both sides until they do. We are hoping to add the bottom right sub - plot to the Camp property as the road will cut it off from the neighbor. Pray as negotiations are underway.

This is a general plan for the layout of the camp, soccer field, boy/girl dorms, and lodge. The lodge will be open with only 4’ walls around 3 sides of the building since the temperatures stay between 70-90 degrees year round. It will be used not only for teaching/meetings, but also for indoor games such as basketball, dodgeball etc.

The US Team arrived at the property to begin clearing the soccer field area, and as soon as we started working, an elder from the assembly brought out the approved building permit! We saw the Lord do many amazing things like this as we began this work.

This property is Muslim farmland, and will take a lot of hard work to get it leveled and cleared for the buildings to be built. The team put in several days of hard labor, and put up with blisters, bugs, and heat!

Then the Lord provided a backhoe!

Now 80% of the soccer field has been cleared, trees and stumps removed, and semi-graded. As we finished our last day of work, we gathered for prayer and praised God for all HE had done to get us this far!

We are so thankful for the good start the team gave us, and we know we have a big job ahead of us with many challenges! Our first goal is to get the cement block wall built around the entire property. Both neighbors are not easy to work with on each side, one was upset that “infidels” were working nextdoor, there is some tension, and a few unresolved property line disputes which will require much prayer!

Please PRAY for CAMP NURU!

The Team joined me on a trip down Lake Tanganyika to bring Emmaus to 5 villages. It was a joy to see and encourage many believers with these amazing courses.

The Team also preached in both the town church, and also Kizenga. They led the boys and girls club at the town church, giving testimony and a lesson on the life of Jonah. They also taught the kids in Kizenga for Sunday School. We appreciated every contribution, and we know it greatly encouraged the local believers young and old!

Doug Lindley preaching in Kizenga.

Katrina teaching Sunday School in Kizenga.

Harry and Luke Johnson took the Team to a remote village only accessible by foot or boat, which is set between the Lake and the steep mountains behind. This Muslim village has no church , although they do tolerate visitors and will listen to the message they bring = open door for the Gospel!

As we anchored off shore, the crowd began to gather out of curiosity. Once ashore, we were given an area by the “Chairman” of the village to share the Gospel to any who wanted to listen.

We are thankful for the open door for the Gospel, and for the Seed planted in many hearts that day!

As you can see, this Team was a blessing in many ways! We were so blessed by their sacrifices and service to the Lord and His work!

On the home front, little Grace is doing great and enjoying her new life out of the orphanage. She is eating well, sleeping well, and like most little ones; she is a lot of fun and also a lot of work! All worth it!

Jennifer is continuing on with her masters course in midwifery (one course at a time - online). We are tag-teaming the homeschooling, and little Grace as best we can. Our plate is very full at the moment, but so thankful that the Lord provides as He guides. One of the girls (Tori - far left in picture below) from the team felt led to stay on with us for a month longer to help out with homeschooling and with Grace! Please pray for us as we work through this busy season in our lives :)

Well, that gives a brief summary of most of the highlights of the past month! We are so thankful for your prayers and support in the Lords work here in Kigoma/Ujiji, Tanzania!

~ The Kinlaws

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for Camp Nuru, for the wall to be built, for its provision and protection.

  • Please pray for the property line disputes to get resolved, and for peace with neighbors.

  • Please pray for souls to be saved and believers encouraged from the Gospel ministry from the US Team.

  • Please pray for our children as they continue in homeschool until May 2.

  • Please pray for Grace and her upcoming adoption beginning June 24.

  • Please pray for Tori as she stays on with us in Kigoma to help us.

  • Please pray for Jennifer as she works on her masters in midwifery while juggling many other responsibilities.



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About Us

The Kinlaw family is serving the Lord in Kigoma, Tanzania, commended by North Ridge Bible Chapel in 2017, & serving through Christian Missions in Many Lands.


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