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Writer's pictureJohn Kinlaw


The word STEADFAST comes to mind as we look back over the last month and also look ahead. STEADFAST means to persevere, stay the course, press on, be immovable and fulfill your calling. We are learning what it means to be steadfast, and not grow weary as we continue serving the Lord here in Tanzania.

The schools took a 2 week break, but returned to regular classes this past week. We are currently going through a study on the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus, and this month we are teaching on the parables of Matthew 13. The Word of God is amazing!

These kids are always so joyful and appreciative for us coming each week as most schools do not have anyone coming for their “religious period” to teach them the Word of God. The door is wide open to teach the Bible in the government schools in Tanzania, but sadly very few Christians take advantage of it. We encourage our Emmaus graduates to pray about adopting a school to teach the Bible. Below, Gerald is giving out pens! You might think he is giving out candy, but no, just pens! These kids are so thankful to just be given a pen :) Pray for them as they hear the Word of God each week.

The Emmaus course ministry is really growing! We are so encouraged by this because discipleship/spiritual growth is very difficult here (maybe that’s true everywhere!). Since our last blog post we have made 2 village trips bringing courses and picking up exams. Gerald and Pagi both come with me , and we all work together to get everyone the right study courses, and right reading glasses is needed.

Above, Pagi is helping some with reading glasses after getting their study courses. Gerald leads the way and gives a short word at each village. He also gives answers to a few questions which were missed by many, and gives instructions on the next courses.

Back in the maktaba we have dozens of students coming in regularly to return exams and pick up new courses. We had several who received certificates this month. Ibrahimu is a friend who works for our neighbor. He recently received his 4th certificate and is close to finishing all 36 courses!

Below, Catherine is a translator for missionaries in Kigoma, and just received her 2nd certificate. She is enjoying these studies and hopes to complete all of the courses.

We also have regular visitors for reading glasses, Gideon NT’s, study materials for pastors, and even occasional Bible questions. We recently had an elder from a village assembly who brought several pastors and church leaders from other churches in his village to get reading glasses and study books. It was a great time of fellowship together :)

Our small village church in Kizenga is going well. There are 4 in this small group that are working through the Emmaus courses! The kids meeting is always full of energy each Sunday!

Jennifer is enjoying her work in the hospital delivering babies 2 days a week. She has delivered 20 babies on her own and assisted in another 60 this year!

Over this year she has seen the need over and over to further her education in order to save the lives of babies and mothers. After much prayer and planning she applied to Frontier Nursing University in Kentucky to pursue her Masters degree in Midwifery. We just learned she was accepted and will start her online classes in January! We appreciate your prayers as she begins this new journey.

We are thankful that the adoption process is moving along on the US side. References are being checked and a social worker will very soon make a recommendation and send her findings back to Tanzania. We continue to visit Grace each week, although the older she gets (9 months now!), the harder it is to leave her. Thank you for continuing to pray for her, us, and for the process to be completed soon.

The Camp deed has not been released yet, but we continue to pray! The homeschooling is going well, and it is so good to have Isaac home this year. All 4 children are doing Excelsior online courses, and adjusting very well to this new curriculum. Overall, we have a lot going on for sure, but expecting the Lord to do great things in the near future, and lots to be thankful for right now.


The word of the month!

As Paul asked the saints many times,

“Brethren pray for us.”

“Pray that the word will run swiftly (spread rapidly), and be glorified, just as it is with you.”


Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for the many who are studying God’s Word through the Emmaus courses, for spiritual growth and encouragement.

  • Please pray for Gerald and Pagi as they serve the Lord in various ways.

  • Please pray for the village church in Kizenga for spiritual growth and blessing.

  • Please pray for Jennifer as she begins her preparations to start her Masters program in Midwifery.

  • Please pray for both the adoption process of Grace and the land deed for Camp Nuru to be released and completed before the end of the year.

  • Please pray for our children as they study online and live out here in Kigoma, TZ.

Thank you ALL!

~ the Kinlaws

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2 commenti

Bill H Hill
Bill H Hill
23 set

Does the Religion Studies at the school have to be taught in the native language or English. And if it needs to be in the native language are their translators available.

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John Kinlaw
John Kinlaw
23 set
Risposta a

Hi Bill! It’s all in Swahili and we do not use translators :) When a visitor comes from the US, we can translate for them if they are up for sharing. Definitely had to learn the language! - John

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