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Writer's pictureJohn Kinlaw


Updated: Aug 23


That is the word that kept coming to mind while preparing this blogpost. We have so much to be thankful for, and that’s not just a cliche… it’s true! Last month we put out a few urgent prayer requests and we saw the Lord working immediately.

The issues that were holding up the Camp Nuru land deed were miraculously resolved, and we hope to have it in hand shortly. The building plans are close to being finished also! We also were led by the Lord to drive to Dodoma (12 hour drive!) and meet personally with the Commissioner (unannounced!) regarding the adoption/fostering of Little Grace. The meeting went really well, and we left Dodoma with the letter we were seeking. We still have to wait for the completion of a background check from the US, which has continued to delay everything, but we are still very THANKFUL.

Thank you all for your prayers in these 2 areas, and until both are in our hands/arms (the deed and Grace) please continue praying with us!

We are THANKFUL for all the Lord is doing out here in the various ministries He has led us into: Maktaba - Schools - Emmaus - Kizenga - Hospital. We can add a new one to this list - Homeschool! All 4 kids started back to school this week and all 4 (including Isaac, who will not be at RVA this year) will be home doing excelsior online classes. This is going to be an adjustment for us all (parents included), we covet your prayers as we settle in for another school year!

Before we update on the various ministries here, we are so THANKFUL for a recent visit from our good friends from NC, Anil and Ruby Samuel with their 2 children. It’s hard to describe just how encouraging a visit like that is! They followed us through a typical week, seeing first hand the work we are doing. Some even got to help with 2 deliveries in the hospital! Full experience!

We are encouraged (and THANKFUL!) at how the Lord is using the Emmaus courses out here! I just learned yesterday that the pastors bringing the courses into the prisons have added a new prison and requested 24 new courses. Below are the 7 Emmaus courses in the first section.

We will be making our 3rd trip down the lake road this Friday, stopping at 4 villages to bring these Emmaus courses to many hungry believers. Each trip we are steadily making adjustments to make our trip more efficient, and also adding new students as word is spreading among the churches!

The school ministry each week is continuing on strong. We are doing a study on the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus. We spent the past several weeks teaching these children about the miracles of Jesus in Matthew 8-9. They are so eager to learn, and fun to teach! So THANKFUL for this open door for the Gospel :)

The students loved having visitors last week when our guests were here. Anil and family brought each student a small gift (gum and pens!) .

The maktaba is doing well, and we continue to have visitors for various reasons such as reading glasses, Bible questions, Emmaus courses, and Bible study etc. some days it is a very busy place, and others a very quiet place. We are THANKFUL that the Lord continues to use it daily.

We are THANKFUL for the work out in Kizenga, although several have been away traveling, we have had decent turnouts for the meetings. We recently started a mid week teaching meeting, and so far it has gone well. Pagi does such a good job with the Sunday School and Kids Club!

Not only does he do a good job teaching the Word in a way these kids can understand, he also makes it fun. Above, he is teaching them how to pray, and below he is leading them in a fun song. Combining truth and fun are the perfect combination for teaching children. So THANKFUL for Pagi!

Jennifer is continuing to work in the hospital 2 days a week in labor and delivery. She is building relationships with the doctors and nurses she works with each week. They LOVE it when she brings in cake (for birthday’s), cookies, or any baked goods! We even had 2 nurses (both Muslim) over for dinner and Jennifer taught them how to bake a cake and sent them both home with cake for their families.

Overall we are THANKFUL for all the Lord is doing out here. We are really looking forward to bringing Grace home, and getting started on Camp Nuru. We will continue to pray fervently until the Lord gives us the victory. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!

~ The Kinlaws


  • Please continue praying with us for both Grace and the land deed for Camp Nuru!

  • Please pray for our children (and parents!) as we adjust to the many new changes to homeschool this year.

  • Please pray for the many who are taking the Emmaus courses in Kigoma, prisons, and in the 4 villages on the lake road.

  • Please pray for the many children we teach in the 2 schools in Ujiji. Pray for the Word to take root in their hearts and produce fruit.

  • Pray for the church in Kizenga to grow in depth and in numbers, and for local leaders to be raised up and developed.

  • Please pray for Jennifer as she continues in the hospital, for favor, wisdom, and protection!

We arrived at the maktaba this week to find verses from the Koran written in Arabic tucked in our window.

A subtle reminder that we are in a Muslim village, and some are not comfortable with us being there.

God is working :)

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